Rail car and Truck unloading systems.
Ashross RUMig3-Over10 million tons of limestone and sand unloaded at this location.
Ashross RUMig3-2
Rated to 2600 TPH per conveyor on most materials
Ashross, the leader in drive-over rail car and truck unloading systems since 1992.
If you have questions please call or see the FAQ link at the top of this page. Call Todd at 801-376-9298 for more information.
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A video of Ashross RUMig3 in Texas
Ashross RUMig3
Rated to 2600 TPH on most materials
The way to unload rail cars is right here. The Ashross RUM lite mini pictured below.

Ashross Feed system video demonstration

Since 1992, Ashross has been successful at finding solutions for the railcar and truck unloading industry. We have worked with many Fortune 500 companies from around the world at high valued sites. We have equipment all over North America, Mexico and in South America. We have also sold equipment which are operating in Australia, Qatar, England, Africa and many other locations.

Our management team works tirelessly to make sure that the equipment that you investigate and purchase is the highest quality avaliable on the market. With close to 100 years of experience, our management team will make sure that our equipment works into your project with ease and efficiency. After you purchase our equipment and its installed you can sit back and relax knowing it will do its job day after day.

Our philosophy is that to unload bottom dump railcars or truck trailers you don't need to have an unloading systems that is deep in the ground and costs millions and millions of dollars. If your Ashross system is not actually on top of the ground, it will only be in the ground a very shallow depth. Don't spend all your money on concrete and Infrastructure.